
Sign up

Table of contents

  1. Sign up with your email
  2. Sign up with Google
  3. Sign up with Facebook

You could sign up with email, Gmail, or facebook.

Sign up with your email

  1. On a browser, open
  2. In the upper right, click SIGN IN.
  3. In the bottom, click Sign Up.
  4. Enter your email address.
  5. Check your email for a verification code. If not found in inbox, please check spam folder.
  6. Enter the verification code, click VERIFY.
  7. Enter your name, password, and retype password. Click SEND.
  8. Proceed to Set Up Your Key.

Sign up with Google

  1. On a browser, open
  2. In the upper right, click SIGN IN.
  3. Click Google.
  4. Sign in with your gmail account.
  5. Proceed to Set Up Your Key.

Sign up with Facebook

  1. On a browser, open
  2. In the upper right, click SIGN IN.
  3. Click Facebook.
  4. Log into Facebook.
  5. Proceed to Set Up Your Key.